Gracias a los avances en tratamientos de fertilidad, es científicamente viable seleccionar el sexo del futuro hijo mediante métodos específicos.
Autor: The Baby Surrogacy
Legge Varchi sulla maternità surrogata
Conosciuta come la “Legge Varchi sulla maternità surrogata”, si rubrica la pratica come un reato universale, il che significa che gli italiani che ricorrono alla surrogazione all’estero saranno perseguibili anche in Italia.
Legge Varchi on surrogacy
In a controversial move that has sparked considerable debate both within Italy and across Europe, Italy has enacted a new law prohibiting surrogacy, Known as the Legge Varchi, that criminalises surrogacy as a universal crime.
Understanding the gender selection
Gender selection has become an increasingly popular topic among couples and individuals looking to influence the sex of their baby. Nowadays various methods of gender selection exist, including Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT), Microsort and other techniques like Ericsson.
La infertilidad masculina y femenina
La infertilidad masculina y femenina es una condición que afecta a numerosas parejas en todo el mundo. La comunicación abierta y honesta es vital para mantener una relación fuerte y unida.