
Surrogacy Georgia is not familiar to intended parents from Europe or the rest of the world. This state grants access to surrogacy to citizens from other countries which involves a procedure similar to Ukraine’s, but with a significantly higher price tag. This route can be even more complex for citizens from some states. The Georgian surrogacy law, like the Ukrainian Civil Code, defines parents as a couple who creates an embryo through assisted reproduction techniques and has it transferred into the body of another woman (surrogate mother). There are various other limitations, including the fact that access to the program is allowed to heterosexual couples only

surrogacy georgia


Surrogacy Georgia: married heterosexual couples or more uxorio e.g. (common-law marriage)


Absent uterus or certified inability to procreate


Various packages - also set-price packages with unlimited IVF and transfers


Low - medium


Selection of the child’s gender

Legal aspects

Birth certificate in name of intended parents





Form of government

Parliamentary Democracy

More information

Definition of surrogacy program

A surrogacy program is a set of medical and legal procedures whose ultimate goal is to have a child with an alternative to natural conception. The parties involved in the procedure are: the intended parents (or parent in the case of single individuals), an assisted reproductive clinic and a foreign agency or other equivalent entity capable of filling the needs related to egg donation and gestational carrier. An attorney experienced in the applicable law of the country in which the program takes place should be considered a key part of the process

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Current Events: Georgia and Ukraine

Ukraine is one of the most popular destinations for Europeans. This is partly because of its low cost and because of its proximity to the home countries of most of the intended parents who choose this state to build a family. On the night of February 24, 2022, Ukraine suffered an armed attack by the Russian military, an attack which would be the beginning of a long, armed conflict. Until the conflict is resolved, and political stability is regained, Ukraine is no longer a safe destination. This dramatic circumstance has sparked the interest of many intended parents around the world, who now see Georgia as a possible alternative to Ukraine. Undoubtedly, due to its geographic proximity and to the similarity of its legislation in surrogacy, it may represent a viable path, although there are conditions to access for the surrogacy journey and some restrictions for citizens from some foreign countries (e.g., for Spanish)

Surrogacy Georgia: program costs

There is no single cost that applies to every case. In fact, the price is closely related to certain variables such as whether an egg donation is needed, the type of program requested from the IVF clinic which translates into the number of embryo transfers covered. There can be one, two, three or unlimited transfers until pregnancy is achieved. Having clarified all possible variables, an estimate based on the case histories we have had allows us to say that the average price today for a guaranteed set-price journey, (with no extra costs) including unlimited IVF and embryo transfers, egg donor, surrogate mother and legal is roughly €70,000.

Legislation in Georgia

Georgia introduced the first restrictions in 2020, limiting the services to combat the threat of child trafficking, thus preventing "fake" intended parents from having children in Georgia for criminal purposes.
Access to the program is allowed only to heterosexual couples who have been married or otherwise lived together as a couple for at least a year which must be proven in advance (bills, residence certificate etc.).The procedure is regulated by a state law that, like in Ukraine, defines parents as the couple who had the child from an embryo created through assisted reproductive techniques which was then transferred into the body of another woman (gestational surrogate).
With these specific regulations, it is understandable why surrogacy is not extended to single individuals, male or female. Egg donation in Georgia must be anonymous, even though clinics have digital databases through which donor profiles can be accessed. Some of the accessible information is age, nationality, eye and hair color.

Intended Parent requirements

Access to the program is allowed only to heterosexual married or (more uxorio), i.e., couples cohabiting in a stable and continuous manner which must be proven in advance. The woman must certify the absence of a uterus according to the relevant law

Parentage & "ius soli"

Legal parentage takes place after the surrogate mother's formal renunciation of the child before a public notary. This is followed by the drawing up of the birth certificate showing the existence of parental relationship between the intended parents, indicated as mother and father, and the child

Birth Certificate

With the surrogate mother's consent, the names of both intended parents (parent) will be entered on the Georgian birth certificate

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